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9 Invaluable Flight Travel Tips For IBS Sufferers

9 Invaluable Flight Travel Tips For IBS Sufferers

So, to not start your holiday off on a bad note, here are a few tips to help you stay as symptom free throughout your journey:

Be careful of what you eat a few days leading up to your trip, so you can make sure a flare up isn’t imminent!

Wear comfortable, loose clothing

Check in online as soon as you can and book yourself an aisle seat.. close to the front or back toilets if possible (it’s one thing needing to go to the toilet a lot on the plane, it’s another having to ask the people next to you countless times to move so you can go to the toilet!)

Ladies… remember maxi pads aren’t just for periods 😉

Don’t get over excited at the airport and order lots of alcohol and high FODMAP Foods… your IBS won’t care if you’re going on holiday or not!

Take a neck pillow and some calming music… if you can sleep through most of the flight then all the better.

Take your antispasmodics and some Senocalm just in case.

Take peppermint tea (useful for the journey and at your destination as you can easily find hot water and peppermint tea does wonders for triggered IBS symptoms).

Buy food in the airport shops where you have time to read the labels and check for those pesky FODMAPs.

Hopefully this will help you not to have a flare up on your way to or from your destination. Enjoy your holidays! For more Low FODMAP travelling tips, check out these insights from Sophie Bibbs.

Copyright Bay’s Kitchen. Please do not reprint without permission. 

Written by

Founder of Bay’s Kitchen
Bay BurdettBay Burdett is the founder and CEO of Bay’s Kitchen. Inspired by her personal IBS struggles and the lack of suitable dietary options in the UK​​. Bay's Kitchen provides a gut-friendly range of Low FODMAP, gluten-free, and dairy-free certified foods.

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Bay's Kitchen offers award-winning, IBS-friendly and low FODMAP certified foods that are free from common allergens like dairy and gluten. Experience our delicious options that prove there's no need to compromise on flavour for sensitive tummies.

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