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Chicken Jalfrezi Curry

Chicken Tikka Masala Curry


2 Persons

Prep Time

10 Minutes

Cook Time

40 Minutes


To Serve:

  • Basmati rice
  • Gluten free poppadoms
  • Carrot, tomato and coriander salad
  • Mint dip (check ingredients or make your own to ensure it’s low FODMAP and dairy free)


  1. Heat oil in a pan and add your diced chicken and sliced red pepper.
  2. Boil your water and cook your runner beans and carrots.
  3. Once your peppers have softened and your chicken is cooked through turn down the heat and add your cooked runner beans, carrots and canned peas.
  4. Add the Bay’s Kitchen Tikka Masala Stir-in Sauce, along with the juice of a quarter of a lime, and a splash of almond milk (optional).
  5. Ensure sauce is heated through.
  6. Serve with your basmati rice and a side of gluten free poppadoms (carrot, tomato and coriander salad and / or mint dip also goes well).

*Canned peas are lower in FODMAPs than frozen peas and can be tolerated at 60g. If you wish to use frozen peas, use 30 grams, not 60g.

**15ml of regular milk is Low FODMAP. However, lactose-free or almond milk will work equally well in this recipe.

This recipe has been created by Katrina Lander, from Fitness Fodmap.

This recipe has been reviewed and approved as Low FODMAP by Registered Dietitian Laura Tilt @nutritilty, on behalf of Bay’s Kitchen.

Copyright Bay’s Kitchen. Please do not reprint without permission.

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